“It is time we had uncommon schools. It is time that villages were universities… To act collectively is according to the spirit of our institutions. That is the uncommon school we want. Instead of noblemen, let us have noble villages of men.” and women.
– Henry David Thoreau, Walden
A Warm Welcome!
If, friends, Thoreau’s words, the Spirit of Nobility, a “New World” nobility speaks to you, you’ve arrived home.
Inspired by the exclamations of the old prophet — “Without a Vision, the People Perish” — we, The Center for American Studies, have, over our 45 years, devoted ourselves to bringing new and ennobled civilization impulses into pretty much every sphere of society: business, politics, medicine, law, finance, the environment, science, technology, the arts, religion, education; you name it.
As glimpsed in these unfolding pages, these labors are, above all, Labors of Love. That is, our focus is on what we, humankind, share in common, what would unite, as opposed to divide us, our Human Family. In the spirit of applied American Studies, we are working towards that end, working with fellow citizens, Concordians near and far, to create a future worth envisioning for our children, grandchildren, and for the generations to come: All Our Relations . . . . .
A Thanksgiving-Holy Nights-Epiphany
Global Candle-Light Vigil & Carol