The Spiritual Roots & Genius of Our Land
“America, America, God shed His grace on thee.
And Crown thy Good with Brotherhood from Sea to Shining Sea.”
From the remarkable saga of the Peace Maker and subsequent formation of the Iroquois Confederation — through its influence, via Franklin, Paine, Jefferson, and Madison, on our own constitution . . . , and on through the consecrated lives and labors of Lincoln, the Concord Authors, New England Transcendentalists and writers, Mid-Western Platonists, Aristotelians, and kindred spirits . . . , up to the redemptive deeds of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his brethren and sistern of varied races, religions, and nationalities — the sanctity of individual conscience in service to the Good has been the constant, pole star. This revelation of the Spirit of our ever New World, in Her varied “aspects”, finds expression in the “promise” of We the People and fulfillment in the blessed bond that affirmed our independence:
“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,
we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
For more information, contact: Ronald McDowell at